God’s Not Dead


- God’s Not Dead

“Our Father which art in heaven…” (Matthew 6:9)

All through His sermons, Jesus reminded us that we have a Father in heaven. The question then becomes why He consistently did this? The answer is simple. Jesus knew with time men will begin to doubt that God existed. As a whole generation of mankind did in the beginning (Judges 21:25). Many did in His own time, but He also knew that with the increase in knowledge many men will conclude themselves as God, leaving room for no Father in heaven.

Look around you. Everything men predicted in the early 70s, 80s and 90s are happening. With the development of Artificial Intelligence, we would soon be leaving in a world run by robots. So the mind begins to think “if this is happening, then is God really real?” Many are already thinking it; maybe you are too. But listen, God is real. He knew this would happen; so Jesus told us knowledge will increase and the love of many will wax cold (Matthew 24). Greater and more wonderful things are soon to come, but none can eliminate the existence of God.

You see, in reality, this period is the biggest opportunity atheism has to expand, yet it can’t win the whole world because its disciples can’t completely convince men that there is no God. Here’s how that works: the winning move for atheism would be the invention of time travel in addition to all of this, because that would completely obliterate the existence and notion of a God in whom time exists, or at least connote that He is dead. But that will never happen, because God is not dead. He is real. He is here. In everything we do. We feel Him within us as His children; and so you must never let anyone deceive you.

It’s on you now to hold on to this belief. These folks will only grow stronger in their theories, and God will let them because the times demand it. You see, God’s fearsome power isn’t in His ability to do things, but in His ability to let things. He prepared the script and as seen in the book of The Revelations He would ensure it all occurs as planned. But like I said, all you have to do is stay knowing that you have a Father in heaven, and that He loves you, and that no matter what may be or might still happen in this world, He’s never going to stop being God. Because He’s not dead; He’s real and HE loves you, so much that He’d promised to reveal Himself to you always (John 14:21). Remember that.


  1. Sooo good sir….. starting to come back around, getting my heart right. Thank you for your encouragement

    1. It's so so good to hear that you're are back stronger Kirsten. Now in the words of Christ to Peter, I say to you: seeing that you've been converted (made stronger), see to it that as you've always done you help others stay converted and stronger. And I'm certain you will Kirs, I'm certain.


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