God Can And Will Change Your Story



- God Can And Will Change Your Story

“Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

When you read the Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, you’d find a pattern. The entire book, just like the whole Bible, clearly reveals how extreme the power of God to save is for those who believe in Him. In our theme verse, Paul tells that God can do exceedingly beyond all we can (1) ask, and (2) dream of. He can surpass the limitation of our imaginations, desires and prayers. He’s just that powerful; and so it’s never about if God can, but about if God wants to; because He always can. However, in Chapter one of the same book, in trying to encourage the faint-hearted, Paul also said that he prayed our hearts be flooded with light that we might see (v.18). Which begs the question: see what?

The truth that God can do all things. Mary knew this, and it was said of her that because she believed there shall be a performance (Luke 1:45). You see, we lose nothing from believing God for who He says He is, but we lose everything when we don’t. The odds might not look good; for God’s sake it might not even be in your favour, but one thing I have seen God do all through the years is prove doubters wrong. So, I’m begging you, don’t doubt Him, just do what He asks you to, and watch Him change your story for good.

When Elisha told the widow to bring all her empty pots, it seemed like a joke, especially for a man who might be in need himself. But she obeyed. All I’m asking of you is that you obey. Obey God today, knowing He can do everything He says HE can and will do for you. That was the only advice Mary had for the stewards at the wedding: whatever He tells you to do, do it (John 2:6). Don’t be blinded by your present circumstances; God is bigger than all your circumstances. And if He’s said He will change your story today, whether the signs look good or not, whether the optics are encouraging or not, whether you can see a likely source of help or not, believe me He will do it. 

Verses 19-22 of the same book of Ephesians then tells us that once we are flooded with this light of understanding, we would see how great a power God has to help us. It says it is the same power that raised Christ, then ascended Him into glory in three days. That’s the same power available to help you in that situation of yours. So it doesn’t matter how bad things may seem, or how deep in the quagmire you are, because God can and wants to help you. He wants to and will change your story for good.

And if you won’t believe me, at least believe Him who says “I am the Lord….is there anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 TLB).


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