Being Rich Isn't A Bad Thing



-Being Rich Isn't A Bad Thing

"To be wise is as good as being rich; in fact, it is better." (Ecclesiastes 7:11 TLB)

The scriptures never at any point say money is evil, it says the love of money is the root of all evils (1 Tim 6:10). Money, on its own, is a neutral entity, it is our taste for - and ambitious with - it that are oftentimes proponents of evil. God Himself is rich. He says the silver and gold are His (Haggai 2:9) as are the cattles on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10-11). And because He is rich, He has the capacity to bless us accordingly.

Abraham was rich and yet righteous. So was David, Job, Isaac, Jacob and co. All had money but stayed faithful to God. So the question of being a good Christian isn't if a person is rich or not as some religious affiliations have erroneously insinuated for years, it is if he/she loves God or not; because that's the only thing that matters. In fact, money is the only thing God partially puts at par with Himself in that it can do almost anything. The Bible says it answers all things (Ecclesiastes 10:19) and that it is a good gift from the Lord (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20). Think about it, without money, how can impoverished kids around the world be fed and helped? How can poor and sick cancer patients be helped? How do you suppose sponsored health programs come to be? Some rich or just benevolent person paid for it. Even to consistently host a simple blog as this takes money. 

So, don't let anyone or thing make you feel guilty when you start making more money or living a much better lifestyle. It might be an old habit from an earlier church life, but even at that you've got to unlearn it. Paul said God gives us all things to enjoy as long as we don't forget in whom our devotion should be (1 Tim 6:17) and for what we ought to do with such abundance (v. 18). Because in doing this, others glorify God for our lives (2 Cor 9:7-14).


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