Only God Can Save


- Only God Can Save

“And they came to him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.” (Mark 2:3)

What’s the first thing you understand from that scripture? I’ll tell you: they realized they couldn’t help that fellow on their own, so they brought him to who they were sure could.

There’s someone out there who’s probably thinking, “Why won’t she change? I’ve taken her to see multiple counsellors. I bring her to church every single week. I even scold and preach to her every day. Still nothing. She’s just getting worse. My little girl isn’t becoming any better. She still hangs around bad folks, doing drugs and all. Oh God! Why? Why isn’t she changed? I’ve done everything.”

Well, now you see why.

Change is the most difficult thing to achieve. In fact, it’s proven that men naturally can’t change, they simply learn to adapt to circumstances. Thus, a proud rich man appears to be humble when he becomes poor. Circumstantial, not natural. No living creature can inherently change its nature. They only adapt. So if any change is going to happen, there’s got to be an external force as Newton deduced. And when it has to do with long lasting change that transcends all of our tripartite being, then it’s got to be something more powerful than circumstantial.

This Is why the first thing I want you to know is that it’s never in your power to save or change anybody. You can’t change your spouse nor can you change your erring child. All we can do is try, but still we can’t. Only God can. Only He can completely touch the heart.

Jesus said to His disciples, and by extension to us, that they should pray the Lord of the harvest would send in more labourers (Luke 10:2). You see that? God is the harvester. He’s the one who saves. We are simply labourers. And what do labourers do? They till the ground, spread the seed, water it, fertilize it. But only the harvester can make sure it gets to the barn. So yes, it’s great you are talking to the kid, teaching her the Word but if your faith for a transformation lies in what you’re doing and not what God only has the power to do, then you haven’t done everything. You need to understand that the Word is like the pool Bethesda (John 5); except the Spirit of God acts on it in her heart, it will yield no fruit. So you’ve got to put the horse back before the cart. You’ve got to give God His place, and let Him do His work as Lord of the harvest.

Like the men in our theme scripture, you’ve got to bring that child to the Lord by first handing over the situation to Him. Stop thinking your overdoings will do it for you, and start knowing that only your Father in heaven can melt stones back to flesh. Have it in mind that you are only the sower, and that God is He who can turn that seed into a giant tree. So, from today, when you correct that child with the love of God, teaching her to do right as the Bible says, don’t forget to let God into that process, handing over that girl to Him in prayer every single day. This way, you let Him take charge. She becomes His business; and like with the rest of us, you can watch Him do what only He can do, transforming your girl’s life.

You’ll see. It works.


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