Living In The Light



- Living In The Light

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4)

In John 8:12, Jesus shows us that life—true life—has light. But many there are that live without this light. Many live empty. Their spirit unregenerated. They may look good on the outside, but they are nearly dead on the inside. So they spend many a time depressed, sad, feeling without hope, and stay that way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s impossible for a Christian to feel sad at times, but it is abnormal to stay sad indefinitely.

Anyway, this happens because this light is missing. And as such, there is a void. A void that needs filling urgently. A void only light can satisfy. Jesus said if this light is present, such a person won’t stumble in darkness. Why? Because through this light, he/she overcomes every darkness that hovers around (John 1:5). This light is Christ abiding in us.

You see, the more we give ourselves to Him, the more we are submerged in His light. Learning to live as He lives, to think as He thinks, to act as He acts. This is when our life gets so blinded with light, others can’t tell the difference between us and Him anymore. And in the same way, this is the path that leads to victory. When we are living in the light, the dark won’t surmount us. Like light, we’d always be living above it.

Hence, try this; try to live a life filled with light by giving more of yourself to Christ every day. Try to live as He leads.


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