Embrace God’s Mercy



- Embrace God’s Mercy

“Come to Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Sin is burdensome. Guilt is heavy. And many a time both can make us feel lesser than God intended. They strip us of our self-worth. And then there’s forgiveness, which sets us free. But not just the act of being forgiven, but accepting that we’ve been forgiven.

You see, in Christ we are forgiven. God forgave us but we’d never live in the liberty this grace brings unless we wholeheartedly accept it. The scripture says we have been justified and brought to a place of peace with God by virtue of this (Romans 5:1). And this happened because God is plenteous in mercy (Psalm 103:8). The same scripture says despite our shortcomings He treats us based on how He originally sees us (v. 10). Why? Because He cannot deny Himself (1 Timothy 2:13). In other words, even in our multiple failures He sees the best He can make out of us, that’s why He’s always willing and ready to forgive when we return to Him. That’s why He calls us to return.

The thing is God sees a part of Himself in us and will not rest until that part fully dominates our being. So at each step He’s always there to help us up when we fall. You might think you are the biggest sinner in the world and that therefore you’re exempted from this grace. But guess what? You are not. And there’s no sin in your past or present too big for God to wash in the blood of the Lamb if only you’re willing to return.

In the same Psalm, three analogies are used to paint a picture of how God’s mercy toward us is like an endless stream. First, it says as the heaven is high above the earth (v. 11). Second, as the east is far from the west (v. 12). And third, as a father loves his child (v. 13). All of these have one thing in common: they are almost too infinite to be properly described. Like God’s love.

So, listen and listen good: God loves you infinitely. It doesn’t matter what you did in the past or a second ago, God’s willing to save you and have mercy on you. And when that happens, you get a whole new slate (2 Corinthians 5:17). You become a whole new person in Christ. All He needs you to do is embrace this grace. His grace. His mercy. To drop the sinful ways and the guilt afterwards and come over to Him. Come into His rest and receive the life He’s always declared yours.


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