
Showing posts from September, 2023

We Serve A Wonder-Working God

  DAILY VITAMIN - We Serve A Wonder-Working God "...because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort." (Daniel 3:29) God is wonderful. I think that's the best description of God that exists. He is wonder personified. Everything about Him is filled with wonders. You see, the things that are natural to God are supernatural to us. What we call miracles are the daily experience of His estate. For instance, the scripture tells us that in heaven there is no need for a sun because He is light enough. Imagine the sun disappeared for a whole day and yet your city was still lighted up, we'd all gather and term the phenomenon a miracle. But it's something that God on a normal day exudes. Like I said, He is just sublimely wonderful. And the signs of His wonderfulness are all around us.  The King Nebuchadnezzar, to whom the theme scripture is credited to, said it best: he said, "How great are His signs! And how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everl...

God Is Not A Man, He Won't Let You Down

 DAILY VITAMIN - God Is Not A Man, He Won't Let You Down "God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: has He said, and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken, and shall He not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19) A lot of people have been disappointed at various stages of their lives. Some by loved ones, others by strangers they'd believed could turn out different who never did. These disappointments overtime create a huge gulf in their hearts that make it impossible to trust anymore. Not a new partner in a new relationship; not a buddy who says "I've got your back." They just don't trust as easily as they once did because they don't want to be disappointed as they once were. Well guess what? God isn't like any of those guys. He won't let you down. You might not believe but HE won't. That's the essence of that opening scripture. He's saying "I'm not like your dad, I'm better than a ...

Think Right

  DAILY VITAMIN - Think Right "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7) We are products of our thoughts. It's the mechanism by which we are made, either for good or bad. Like a cascade, we choose what we think and accept, and then in return they decide what we become. So it is true that a man can never be bigger than what he thinks he is, because his thoughts are a scale by which he's weighed and therefore perceived, even if by no one else, by himself. As a result, it doesn't matter what others may say about you, what matters first is what you say of yourself. Because that's what you'd reflect, and therefore is the fuel that determines whether or not you stand a chance, no matter how little. In other words, if others say you're not good enough and you think maybe they're right that you're not good enough, then believe me you are not good enough, not because you are actually not good enough but because you accept that you are ...

You Will Rejoice Again

  DAILY VITAMIN - You Will Rejoice Again "When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter..." (Psalm 126:1-2) In the above Psalm, David via the help of the Spirit was teaching us how things work with God. Contrary to what we may have believed for years, he wasn't solely speaking of Israel's release from Eygpt but of every release the children of the Most High will ever experience. And that includes yours. Today. He says "then said they among the heathen, The LORD has done great things for them." (v. 2). And that "they that sow in tears shall reap in joy." (v. 5). The sowing in tears refers to our being patient and trusting, such that we keep holding to God even when losing grip of all that pertains to a good life. Because as David also insinuated, when God shows up, the stranger will wish they were us.  Now you'd notice that this Psalm was written before the Babylonian capt...

If Only You Knew What God's Been Doing For You

  DAILY VITAMIN - If Only You Knew What God's Been Doing For You "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:" (Psalm 124:2) A lot of us don't truly understand the extremity of the goodness of God in our lives. We don't know the things He's done and still does for us--seen and unseen. We wake up each morning and think what the heck! Another day. But if only you could see what happened in those six hours you were insatient.  The scripture tells us that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness in the spirit world (Ephesians 6:12). That means the devil is your fatal foe for life, and each day he's on the lookout for ways to completely make a mess of you. Jesus said his only though for you is to kill, destroy and steal (John 10:10). To ravage us (1 Peter 5:8). But guess who's on the other side making sure you receive life instead of the deathly woes planned? God (John 10:10). In other ...

Sing To The Lord

  DAILY VITAMIN - Sing To The Lord "...singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:19) It takes a grateful heart to worship; but gratitude isn't just an offshoot of what has been received, sometimes it's just a response to what could be. In other words, you don't need any reason to worship God; that you can think there should be one is enough reason to. Like I've said in past devotionals, the things you think are worthless are things others are begging for.  For instance, you woke up this morning. To many, that's nothing. It's usual. Ordinary. But to the fellow whose dad didn't wake up this morning it isn't. We take for granted a lot of things, but when we realize that we are not entitled to an extra day at the end of each day, and that the breath we take in every day is a gift from God, we would have enough reason to wake up each morning with thanksgiving.  As I love to say; thanksgiving is a function of understanding wh...

Don't Doubt Yourself; You Can

  DAILY VITAMIN - Don't Doubt Yourself; You Can "I can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) I know what you're thinking: 'I'm not cool enough, smart enough, tall enough... Why won't I doubt myself?'  Well, I was a terrible writer. A horrible Bible teacher. But as of today, I've written some really great stuffs, and with God's help I've taught the Word to a bunch of people I could never have dreamed of teaching. So forgive me for being too optimistic as it concerns you. But guess what? I'm not the only one who's optimistic you can do the unimaginable. Because God is too. He says "You can do all things..." Yes, you. Not the guy who's kind of taller or cooler; No. I don't know about that guy, all I know is that He says you can. You who's reading this right now. Don't wag your head, I said you. And you've got believe it. Because if you are ever going to be transformed...