What The Holy Spirit Does For You: Identification



What The Holy Spirit Does For You: Identification

“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:17)

All through scripture, God separated men by marking them. He marked Cain to keep men from slaying him (Genesis 4:15). He marked His people in captivity to keep them from the plague of death (Ezekiel 9:4). And now through the redemption many are being tagged with the marks of Jesus Christ. But how? By the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14).

The Holy Spirit in us identifies us as sons (and daughters) of God (Romans 8:14-16). He is the seal of the promise. He brings in the attributes of the Lamb, shedding His fruit upon us. Gentleness, love, faith and all these godly virtues are exuded through the resident presence of Christ’s Spirit in us.

You see, when Adam fell in the garden, he lost two things: his authority and his identity. But in Noah, God replenished man’s authority (Genesis 9:1). However, man’s identity stayed lost. Thus, he stayed a slave of sin. He had no place in heaven, and as such belonged in the same strata the devils were. 

This is the reason why before the New Covenant no man could cast out a devil. And no man could directly go into heaven after death. In fact, Jesus called us children of the devil (John 8:44); but then He redeemed us. It was the sole purpose of His sacrifice on the cross: returning us to the original estate our original sin deprived us of. This was important for man to fulfil his destiny of being above all things of the earth including the devil who’s been banished here. Without our identity, our authority was useless. Without it, we had no power over Satan; for no son can overpower his father. So as long as Satan remained man’s father by virtue of sin, man could never overcome him.

Then the miracle of the New Covenant happened.

In case you didn’t know, this New Covenant is the seal of the Spirit. God sharing a part of Himself with us. He breathes on us the moment we become born again as He figuratively did with Adam at the beginning, restoring our identity. Now unlike the Patriarchs of old, we can call Him Father, and He calls us sons. Now we are above the devils. Now we are the righteousness of God. All because of Jesus through the Spirit at work in us; the seal of our new birth. 

He lives in us, so be gentle with Him. Don’t grieve Him. He is God in you. That is why He said, “Ye are gods” (psalm 82:6). You are a child of God. I say it again: you are a child of God, and no longer a slave to sin, fear, death or the darkness


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