What The Holy Spirit Does For You: Demonstration



- What The Holy Spirit Does For You: Demonstration

“But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Having been born again, having received the Spirit within us, we must also go ahead to receive the infilling of the Spirit, or what most Charismatics call the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. This phenomenon ensures we receive the gifts of the Spirit as seen in 1 Corinthians 12. 

That was what we saw happen in Acts 2. The Holy Spirit came on them and they exuded the gifts of God. With this, we can demonstrate the power of God through our mortal vessels.

Now, as a result, our words go forth with power, encouraging lost souls. Our intercessions carry prevailing effects, saving the broken. Now we heal the sick, emulating the works of Christ. This way we are armed to do the Lord’s will on the earth.

In the old days, the Spirit came on men for moments, but now He completely fills us to overflow, doing the unimaginable. However, the renewal of this infilling must be continuous. You must stir Him on by fully utilizing whatever He gives you. It’s like the parable of the talents; the more we use what we have, the more we keep having to use.

Thus, you’re not powerless. Know that. You’re full of power the moment the Spirit comes upon you. You become an instant threat to the devil. Now the weak you they once knew becomes strong. You become a new man; like refined gold, your ores are casted off. Now you are not just the image of God but His very reflection on the earth. His luminary in words and deeds. Your identity and authority both at play as it was intended from the beginning; and as such it is said of you in clear reality: greater things than this shall you do (John 14:12).


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