The Lion And The Gazelle



- The Lion And The Gazelle

“See you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men.” (Proverbs 22:29)

Every morning the lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve; in the same light the gazelle knows it must outrun the fastest lion if it must survive. It doesn’t matter which we are in this world, but by daybreak we better be running.

Running here depicts the act of improving oneself. And as such if we aren’t improving at the same pace the world is, we’ll be left behind. The world is changing rapidly and only those who can keep up with the changes by adopting the capabilities to adapt can thrive. Be it in business or what have you. Staying static has never helped anyone. We must be kinetic; actively and readily willing to enhance our know-how. So whether you are a boss or an employee, be keen to get better daily.

Just so you know, God is an advocate of innovation. In the days of Uzziah, the Bible records that God helped him invent engines with the help of cunning men and that changed the game of battles, granting them victory (2 Chronicles 26:15). We see the same thing happen through scripture. In the case of Daniel, despite being a product of captivity, he served under four different opposing kings. Why is that? Because he grew to be so indispensable. He kept up with the trends and nuances of administration and nourished himself with requisite knowledge to stay relevant in an expanding world. 

And that’s what God want of us today. It doesn’t matter what we are presently, be the best at it. Even if you are a janitor, create better and improvised methods of doing the job to deliver greater quality of service, and believe me no one will ever take you for granted again. Whether you’re at the base of the economic chain or at the echelon, keep running with the tide. Keep outdoing yesterday’s best. Keep outperforming your previous standards. See yourself as an Olympic record holder and each day as a chance to keep yourself on the podium. 

I know God will help you as He helped Uzziah in his day, but first you’ve got to arise and give your best. You’ve got to teach yourself to shine. And yes also to stay shining.


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