God’s Still In The Business Of Doing Miracles



- God’s Still In The Business Of Doing Miracles

“…But with God, everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 TLB)

In the year 2010, a step-aunt of mine, then in her early forties, woke up with a swollen abdomen. Believing it to be nothing but a consequence of the mountain of food she’d consumed the night before, she paid it no mind. However, the bulge only got worse. Petrified at what that could mean, she decided against visiting the hospital on her own, but instead took the first bus to our home. After a few days, she and my step-mom finally went to the teaching hospital, but the doctors couldn’t detect the course. Some plainly said they couldn’t see anything in the test result as a causative factor; others added a little negative remark without proof: it might simply be a tumor. Perhaps ovarian. Hopefully not cancerous. That was the day the panic started.

No hospital was willing to risk operating on her without a clue to what was actually wrong with her as required. So after being subtly rejected by several hospitals, she was brought home; and in the eyes of many, to die. As the years passed, the growth increased and so did the pain. She emaciated, became a shadow of herself. Her friends abandoned her, even close relatives absconded. When they looked at her, they saw a living corpse; one soon to be dead. Her life was in God’s hand now. 

Five years passed, and with her tummy now swollen as though a basketball was tucked underneath, she gritted in pain almost daily. I saw this pain myself; it was so thick before the eyes anyone could cut through it and still leave behind a large chunk. Despite that, I knew God wouldn’t fail. And thankfully, she didn’t as well. We prayed, but it only got worse. Got a lot of NGOs involved to help with the expenses, but still no improvement. Till one certain day. We finally found a doctor who against all odds was willing to take the chance. He placed the odds at 20/80, but she didn’t mind. She wanted her life back or nothing at all. Plus she believed God would keep her.

In her words, as the anaesthesia began to kick in, she kept muttering that she would not die but live and then was out of her body, watching herself lifeless and emaciated laying on the operating table. At the end of the surgery, a basketball-sized tumorous entity had been taken out. And in a few hours, she was awake. That was the first miracle—beating the odds. When she returned home, she was the figure of a skeleton. Literally. But after three months, she was back to herself. A year later, she got married, living her life the best way possible; which was the real miracle—restoration.

This might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but it was to her. And that’s why it’s a miracle. A miracle to me might not be one to you; but if it was against the odds as it regarded me, if it was a restoration to the glory that was once mine, then it is a miracle. This aunt of mine was bound to die, but today she’s bubbling with life. She never believed she’d see today, but it she does see new days every day now, even today. And all it took was one day. After men had given up, God showed up.

Hence, have you been going through a lot lately? Don’t think it’s over; God’s going to show up. He’s in the business of doing great, unimaginable things. Trust him, He will help you. Everyone might have left you, but even in the darkness, in the silence, God won’t. I’m pretty sure you know this already, but I want you to keep holding on to it because it’s true. And again, He will prove it. He will restore you against all odds. The scriptures reminds us of this: God said “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown…” (Isaiah 43:2 TLB). He will help you. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, He will. Believe me, He will.


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