
Showing posts from June, 2023

God Answers Prayers

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Answers Prayers "Call to Me, and I will answer you..." (Jeremiah 33:3) It's October 20, 2011, the day the University of Benin's list of admitted students came out. Unsurprising, I made it. I was going to be studying Biochemistry come November. But then trouble arose. We were broke; so it was almost impossible to get the tuition. Unlike in the U.S, there is no access to student loans or any form of financial aid here in the country, except you want to test the waters with the banks, in which most times than not you get drowned eventually. So there I was, with an offer to get into college in a month and no money. My parents didn't have enough, and neither did I, nor my sister who had been really supportive financially all the while. Of course I had a job, working in a local church as a personal assistant to the head pastor, for free. So all I could was pray; some days cry, but inarguably hope that something would come up.  A month went by; scho...

The Lion And The Gazelle

  DAILY VITAMIN - The Lion And The Gazelle “See you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men.” (Proverbs 22:29) Every morning the lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve; in the same light the gazelle knows it must outrun the fastest lion if it must survive. It doesn’t matter which we are in this world, but by daybreak we better be running. Running here depicts the act of improving oneself. And as such if we aren’t improving at the same pace the world is, we’ll be left behind. The world is changing rapidly and only those who can keep up with the changes by adopting the capabilities to adapt can thrive. Be it in business or what have you. Staying static has never helped anyone. We must be kinetic; actively and readily willing to enhance our know-how. So whether you are a boss or an employee, be keen to get better daily. Just so you know, God is an advocate of innovation. In the days of Uzziah, ...

All Eyes On You

  DAILY VITAMIN - All Eyes On You “Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1) When you sneak into a supposedly hidden place or in the best of your craftiness commit a sin believing no one saw you, you’re wrong. Totally wrong. No man may have seen you, but many in the audience of the other realm see you. Nothing is hidden under the sun, the scripture says, and that’s just how it is.  The Bible calls us spectacles to angels. Do you know what that means? They watch us like a movie all the time. And then there’s God whose eyes are stayed on us (2 Chronicles 16:9). So we can’t hide. God sees everything. Everything we do. There’s no avoiding Him. No “don’t let Him see”. He sees it all. Little wonder He says through Paul, “Don’t be deceived, God cannot be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows so shall he ...

Don’t Be Deceived, God Is Real

  DAILY VITAMIN - Don’t Be Deceived, God Is Real “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 53:1) God exists whether you believe it or not. Ignorance doesn’t override truth. It’s like saying hunger doesn’t exist because you’ve never gone starving all your life. Well, just take a trip down the block and you’d find out just how wrong you are. The same goes with our belief about the existence of God.  We judge things sometimes on the basis of perception; which is fair by all standards, but could also be a faux pas, seeing how limited human perception can be. The fact that we don’t see a thing doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The fact that we don’t know a thing doesn’t make it unreal. Forget what they say about how what we don’t know can’t kill us because it will kill us and then bury us for free. So please wake up, don’t confuse your lack of comprehension to mean a lack of presence. God is real. He says He is I AM, and whether you accept that or not, He still remains I ...

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

  DAILY VITAMIN - You Don't Have To Do It Alone "I know that [the determination of] the way of a man is not in himself; it is not in man [even in a strong man or in a man at his best] to direct his [own] steps." (Jeremiah 10:23 AMP) The Bible tells us that man plans, but the end result of that plan still lies in God's hand. With this we can easily appreciate the sovereignty of God. Hannah understood this, thus she said of him: He raise one up and brings another down. So even when a man shines so bright, it is not enturely of his doing, for by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). Everything we are and can be is largely dependent on God's making. The theme verse tells us that, therefore even those brilliant ideas we think we cook up are a product of God's doing. In Biblical times, those who understood this fully always succeeded. Because through this knowing, they clung fast to the giver and not just the gift, realizing that he who has the giver has the...

God’s Still In The Business Of Doing Miracles

  DAILY VITAMIN - God’s Still In The Business Of Doing Miracles “…But with God, everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26 TLB) In the year 2010, a step-aunt of mine, then in her early forties, woke up with a swollen abdomen. Believing it to be nothing but a consequence of the mountain of food she’d consumed the night before, she paid it no mind. However, the bulge only got worse. Petrified at what that could mean, she decided against visiting the hospital on her own, but instead took the first bus to our home. After a few days, she and my step-mom finally went to the teaching hospital, but the doctors couldn’t detect the course. Some plainly said they couldn’t see anything in the test result as a causative factor; others added a little negative remark without proof: it might simply be a tumor. Perhaps ovarian. Hopefully not cancerous. That was the day the panic started. No hospital was willing to risk operating on her without a clue to what was actually wrong with her as required. So...