The Power Of Belief



- The Power Of Belief

"Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it's yours." (Mark 11:24 TLB)

A lot of folks don't like to talk about it; some think it's mere fallacy, whileothers accept it, but belief is the foundation of all becomings. Whether we succeed or fail, it's always first down to the belief system we've built in ourselves. That's why the devil craves to destroy it.

Yes, just so you know, that's what he tries to steal, kill and destroy - your belief (faith); not your life. A life without sustainable belief is death personified; and he knows this. We are nothing without belief. 

He knew he couldn't kill Job, so he went after his belief so he would curse God and die. So the devil doesn't really care if you live or die, but he does care that you don't become what you were born to be. That's why he came after Jesus, and even now after us. 

In Revelations 12, once he knew what the child would become, he went after him. And he still does so now. Why? He knows our becoming dampens his influence in this world; and this becoming is strongly influenced by what we believe. Jesus said "According to your faith, be it unto you." (Matt 9:29). No one can grow above his belief. That's why I personally don't agree with the idea that the devil attacks our prayer life. No. He attacks our belief. People stop praying and acting because they stop believing. 

But please look at this, and you'd realize why and why you must guard your heart (center of belief) diligently. The opening scripture says again "...if you believe you have it, it's yours." 

How did Jesus feed thousands? Primarily through this scripture. 

How did He heal? Same. 

He had no potion or wand on Him. 

Similarly, this is how you become. Believe and then act on that belief. 

If the results of this process frightened God at Babel, how much more Satan? 

There is power in believing, and this power is the root of all becoming.


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