Be Thankful In All Things
- Be Thankful In All Things
"Be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you..." (1 Thesis 5:18 GNB)
Gratitude is the most important virtue any believer should possess. Christians are happy people because we are grateful people. And therein lies the key to a life full of joy: being grateful in and for all things.
When faced with an impossible task and a difficult situation, having only five loaves to feed over five thousand heads, the first thing Jesus did was give thanks (Mark 6:41). Once that was done, the unimaginable then happened.
You see, nothing moves God into action more than a grateful heart, especially one in the midst of reasons to have been bitter. The Psalmist calls it our sole purpose for living - to worship the Lord at all times; good or bad. And here's what I'll say to you regarding that even as you head into the new day: That your life isn't as colourful as you think it should be doesn't mean that the life you have isn't a gift.
Hence, with that in mind, even if for nothing else, thank God that you're alive and well today.
Yes, amen