You've Got A Great Shining



You've Got A Great Shining

"Arise, my people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you." (Isaiah 60:1 TLB)

Sometimes you might look at yourself and wonder how any of the good things stated in scriptures can be true as it regards you; the same way many Nazarenes must have also presumed of themselves since they held strong the belief that nothing good could out of Galilee in general. 

But hear me: you are a good thing because Jesus despite being a Nazarene was, and you take after Him through His Spirit in you. You have something in you that can't be measured by phenotypic traits, and that's called glory. And guess what? You've got it plenty.

In the theme verse, God shows us that this glory residing within us isn't local; it's meant for nations to see and experience. Not just your family or neighbours; no. But like Jesus, for the entire world. So you're a global phenomenon. Get it? 

And then He says this is possible because this glory streams from you. The King James Version would say "it's risen upon you". Like it's static. But no; this is kinetic. It's a stream flowing ever so surely. Like a stubborn whirlwind hitting everything around and beyond.

Consider Jesus and Paul; as they passed crowded areas on certain occassions, many got touched, healed. That's how it is meant to be with is too. The same way the sun isn't hidden,this glory isn't either. It can't be kept under, and shouldn't. So don't let it. It's meant to stream. 

Then He goes ahead to tell us what happens as a result: Kings come to our shining (v. 2-3). They leave the gross darkness they're in and come to us because we are the closest thing there is to God for them. 

Yes, you are. 

Therefore, let this mind be in you as you start again today. Be confident. Be bright. Shine; you're not ordinary. You're way past that now. Forget what you look like now. Become what what's in you says you are. Like Jesus, be light, and let your shining be great.


  1. I have been waiting for you to post a devotional again since Feb. you are by far my favorite Christian blogger and I used to send out your devotionals to 20-30 women a few times a week. 💖

    1. Thank you for all that you do. I've been too busy these days to even do what I love the most--writing. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon. Anyway, It's sad that I don't know your actual name. But whomever you are Anonymous, thank you.

    2. I am so sorry, I did not realize it posted anonymously. My name is Kirsten & I live in Killeen, TX. I am so grateful you have had time to post more! The ladies love your devotional. In fact I sent out the “actions speak loudest” yesterday and one of the ladies who read it was affected by it and when she went shopping that day she was able to minister to two women working at the store that she may not have even talked to of it had not been for your devotional. 💖


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