Your Best Is Yet To Come



Your Best Is Yet To Come

" mere man has ever seen, heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord." (1 Cor 2:9)

Today marks the end of the year, but not the end of your life. Thus, where you find yourself today isn't the pinnacle of all God has in store for you. The theme scripture tells us that His plans are unfathomable--too good for common minds to comprehend nor unearth. And then coupling that with the confession that the path of the righteous shines brightly till the end of time (Pro 4:18), it becomes apparent that many a good thing are still in store for you. You'll see this and give praise to God.

However, being this is the last day of the phase in our lives called 2022, i'd love to pray for you:

"Father, I thank you for a productive year; because sometimes even though we felt stuck or stifled, you had your own plans, and those plans are why we are still alive today. So again, I thank you, both for what you have done for your son/daughter, and for what you're about to do in the coming year. I know you will touch those with illness with your hand of restoration. Those with financial challenges with abundance. Those with family issues with everlasting peace. I know you'll rewrite their stories and for their mourning bestow them with joy; for their shame, bestow them with honour. I pray for these ones that you'll give them their heart desires, such that they'll realize that you and only you could have done this for them. may their New Year be the best ever and may their lives sparkle its brightest for all to see to the glory of your Name. With all my heart and all I am, I decree this settled in Jesus' Name. Amen

Take care and God bless you. 


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