What God Wants from You



- What God Wants from You 

"You are the world's light--a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see." (Matthew 5:14 TLB)

There is a way God sees you--and that is simply as He sees Himself. In John 8:12, Jesus called Himself the light of the world as He also alled us as seen in the theme scripture. So you are light. We all are. When God saw the earth covered in darkness, He ushered in light by His Spirit, but it didn't end there. He perfeted the process by sending man. Man is the light of God on the earth to annihilate every darkness. That's what you are and what I am. However, no one buys a new lamp only to have it buried underneath a bed. So, we as lamps of the divinity have a singular responsibility to shine. This Isaiah emphasized in Chapter 60 of his book.

In verse 1, he tells us we got light enshrined in us because God's glory is upon us. Then in verse 2, he tells why God gave us light. He said darkness ravages the earth and ironically many persons as well, but that through the light of God in us, they shall see light. As a result, verse 3 says strangers and kings will come to know God (v. 4-9); but this is only due to the brightness of our rising. So, there must be a rising first. We must arise and shine before others can come and meet the LORD. Zechariah stated the same (Zech 8:13-23). Jesus Himself reiterated something similar when He told us to shine our light for all men to see and thereby glorify God (Matthew 5:16). 

Therefore, until we rise, others will keep crawling. Others will stay downtrodden until the glory in us is revealed. And seeing that God wants all men to be saved, restored and rescued from the darkness (1 Tim 2:4), He asks us to light up the world. This is your primary duty as a child of God. Hence, why wait another second, in everything you do today, shine the beauty of Christ for all around to see. His love, His joy, His life.


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