What The Devil Wants from You



- What The Devil Wants from You 

"The thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10 TLB)

Satan has a sole plan for mankind, whih is to wreck the plan of God for them. Therefore, what is God's plan for man? To reveal His glory through them. The mandate of the chosen Christ is  the mandate of all men (Isaiah 60:1-3). Recall Jesus said that as the Father sent Him, He sends us (John 17:18); while John explains better by saying as He is even now in glory so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). And His Spirit upon us is the guarantee for this (Isaiah 61). So what is the devil's MO?

Jesus said it is to steal, kill and to destroy. Note, that this doesn't always involve a loss of life, because spiritually speaking living is different from breathing. The cessation of breath isn't the definition of death. Adam breathed but in God's eyes was dead alongside all men till Jesus restored us to life. Death is actually the loss of purpose and identity, without which all authorities bestowed on such a person becomes irrelevant, wasted. Isaiah gives us a picture of such a man stripped of purpose and identity. He cathes an image of the angels chattering one with another, peeping from above toward the earth, saying "...what a sight his people are--these who were to demonstrate to all the world the glory of his law; for they are robbed, enslaved, imprisoned, trapped, fair game for all, with no one to protect them" (Isaiah 42:22 TLB).

In other word, when you find yourself sinking deeper into an irrevocable degree of depression, downplaying the faith you once exuded, know that the devil's got his grip on you. That is his first step--to lead you into a state of disbelief, such that you begin to doubt God and His promises in your life so as to rob you of that future; then he traps you in the quagmire of self-loathe until all you see is darkness in places of light. 

But I'm here to tell you to rise. God says Arise, shine, light is here, and it is your role to reveal it. Don't listen to the devil's lies; trust God. He has a plan for you-- to reveal His glory through you, and He will do it; for He who has started a good thing always perfects it. Trust Him, He will (Isaiah 60:14-22).


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