Stand Strong In The Lord



- Stand Strong In The Lord

"O Lord, you alone are my hope; I've trusted you from childhood." (Psalm 71:5 TLB)

A lot of us admire how David's life turned out, and many times even desire we could be him; but if we knew what we had to go through, we wouldn't envy him one bit. He faced a lot of challenges, but he overcame them all by staying strong in the Lord. Remember what he said in Psalm 42:5: "My soul don't be depressed; hope in God." However, in Psalm 71, which is one of the easiest prayers you can engage in when at your lowest to get back on your feet, we see how he dealt with hardships: he talked with God until his faith was resurgent.

First, he asked to be free from the confusion depression brings (v.1); and made a decision to trust God in spite of how things appeared (v.14), and at the end admitted that God had made him a wonder (v.7) because He had increased him on every side (v.20-21). And now I'm asking you to do the same. Talk with God, remind yourself of His promises, recommitting yourself to keep trusting Him, and He surely won't fail you.


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