One Decision Away By Faith



- One Decision Away By Faith

"For salvation that comes from trusting Christ--which is what we preach--is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as near as our own hearts and mouths. For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:8-9 TLB)  

Some centuries ago, there was a young eloquent teacher named Apollos who admonished people after the doctrine of John the Baptist; that is, preaching repentance as the prerequisite for salvation (Acts 18:24-25). He would go ahead from town to town telling people to return back to God or face His wrath as the old prophets did. But even with this, no matter how hard the people tried to desire God more they couldn't, because though they had the zeal, they lacked the life and knowledge that made it possible. Something Apollos would learn afterward; that repentance isn't the pivot al prerequisite for salvation, but faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the standard that makes repentance worthy, and faith in Him is how we access it (Romans 5:1-2). Remember, by grace through faith are we saved (Eph 2:8). And Apollos learnt this too. Acts 18:27 speaks of a people who believed through grace--meaning people who grasped salvation by believing in the eternal sacrifice of Jesus. Even Jesus said it is what please the Father (John 6:29). And all it takes is one decision of faith. Jesus asked the man He had just healed if he believed in Him, and in responding in the affirmative, that settled it forever (John 9:35-38). Do you feel like doubting if you are truly saved though he repented of your past deeds? Maybe it's because you didn't really trust Jesus for your salvation. So do that now. He is asking you the same question, and it is just one decision away.


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