You Are Loaded



- You Are Loaded

“We have all benefitted from the rich blessings he brought to us, blessing upon blessings heaped upon us.” (John 1:16 TLB)

The apostle John says because of Christ, we are bombarded with grace upon grace. That’s how the King James Versions puts it. It seems ordinary when we don’t fully comprehend what grace means, but on the contrary when we do, we’d know that it is indeed the opposite of ordinary. Grace is the greatest blessing that can ever be given. It’s the reason why God came as a man to die for us. And we are told that He abundantly gives us this same grace. It therefore means that it is impossible for you to be helpless, because grace leaves us with an abundance of help. 

In the Old Testament, David was a man who had a foretaste of grace. Another was Abraham. And David said that such a man shall lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10). When you see the scripture say “turn toward us O Lord and we shall be saved” (Psalm 80:7), it’s a cry for grace. They understood the potency of God’s grace. They knew that grace is what makes faith effective and all, because it is what makes us acceptable first. So a man abounding in grace has everything at his fingertip. Of Abraham, such a man, it was said that through him shall the world be blessed (Gen 12:3). Today, those words are manifested in Jesus. And how much more us who dwell in Him as seeds of Abraham?

Hence, in all you do, don’t forget what you carry. You carry grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing—nothing lacking, nothing broken, nothing missing. All of the world in your palms—as such, all things are yours, because you are God’s (1 Cor 3:21-23)


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