Stay On Path With God



- Stay On Path With God

"And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans." (Romans 8:28 TLB)

Please just drink from that scripture some more.

It is telling us that things may not seem great presently; your past may not have been terrific, nor your background appealing, but with God it will work out for your good. That is, you'll end as God already declared you to--better than your yesterday. Nothing can change it; not your current circumstances nor your future challenges because what God has done, He does in terms of forever (Eccl 3:14). However, please pay attention: this isn't for everyone. Though the KJV makes it seem like it is for all He has called in the name of Christ, but the NLT shows that it is to those who stay on the path of God's leading. Those who are living in line with His purpose for them--doing all He requires of them; because as long as you stay on path doing all God says you should, you'd wound up where God says you would. It may not look so now, but it will eventually. Just stay on path with Him. Isaiah 50:10 says "who among you fears the Lord and obeys his Servant? If such men walk in darkness, without one ray of light, let them trust the Lord, let them rely upon their God." (TLB); and as a result what happens? "Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing..." (Psalm 37:34 TLB).


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