Follow Up Every Soul Won



 - Follow Up Every Soul Won

"Where they helped the believers to grow in love for God and each other. They encouraged them to continue in the faith in spite of all the persecution, reminding them that they must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations." (Acts 14:22 TLB)

God doesn't just expect us to go out and win souls alone as instructed in Matt 28:19-20. He expects us to follow up on the converts consistently until they are established in the faith. Like flowers, we must tend to them until they fully bloom. That was what Paul was doing in our theme verse, and exactly what he was admonishing the Colossian saints of (Col 2:6-7). It said "as ye have been taught," by whom? By Paul himself. He was a man who followed up on every one converted soul until they were strong and established in the faith. Now since all these things are written for our learning, it means we are expected to do the same. So don't just go out to preach and win souls and assume that's the end. Keep track of them personally or commit them to faith based church nearby, to ensure their growth in the Lord. Imagine taking a fish out of the river and into a pond, without regularly checking on it and feeding it, it might die off in time. The same way the faith of many if not helped dies eventually. Thus, don't try that with your convert. I have made that mistake in the past, don't; rather follow up on them till they are conformed--with the evidence of godly fruits.


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