Desiring God



- Desiring God

"His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him--though he is not far from any one of us." (Acts 17:27 TLB)

In our theme scripture, the word "feel" represents desire. The original Greek translates to reach out or to grope. Before we become Spirit-filled, that was the best we could do--feel toward Him, and it is still what we have to do intentionally despite our new status till our last breath. Long story short, if would seek HIm with great desire, we would always find Him. Remember what Jesus said: those who hunger and thirst after Him will be satisfied (Matt 5:6). Desire is a major ingredient in getting God's attention. Whether in prayer or through fasting and fellowship, desire must be in place to see result. Until our heart is given to it, answers may not be given. Recall that it is the heartfelt prayer of the righteous that avails much (James 5:16). That is, when we search for Him with all our heart and from the depth of our soul (Jer 29:12-13). David showed us his level of desire for God. One time he said "As the hart pants after the water brooks, so pant my soul after you o God. My soul thirsts for God..." (Psalm 42:1-2). At another time, he said "early will i seek you: my soul thirsts for, my flesh longs, for you..." (Psalm 63:1-3). And so now we understand why he never lacked God's attention--DESIRE. The Bible says through it a man separates himself to seek after and find all wisdom (Proverbs 18:1); and who is the source of all wisdom if not God Himself? (Job 12:13). Thus, it must begin from the heart...with a desire birthed from the soul. Lip service means nothing if heart service isn't solidly behind it (Mark 7:6-7). Hence, above all, desire God today.


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