Count On God Alone



- Count On God Alone

"But I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for him to rescue me. For salvation comes from him alone." (Psalm 62:5 TLB)

The world may have many options, but we the children of God have only one option. One that works. And all we have is God, and so all we do must be according to His pleasure and will. Others may put their hopes in other devices, but ours is only upon the LORD. That's what David practiced and teaches us to; and he said it's because He ONLY is our rock and salvation. He ONLY is our true defense, glory and strength (v.6-7) And so therefore, we must trust in Him and rely upon Him first (v.8). You see, this is important because no man can help except God helps you first (Psalm 60:11-12). It is His help that makes other things count and successful. And then he tells us not to try and do it our own way--that is finding shortcuts that may eventually cut us short, because they always do (Isaiah 50:10-11). And not on our possessions because truly the power to succeed comes solely from the Lord (Psalm 62:10-11). Others may not accept this, but it is our truth, and we must live by it. Thus, stay upon God. Let your hope be rooted in Him, and He won't fail you (Psalm 42:5)


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