Approach God With His Word


- Approach God With His Word 

"God is not a man that he should lie; He doesn't change his mind like humans do." (Numbers 23:19 NLT)

The Bible tells us that God expects us to plead our case before Him that we might be justified (Isa 43:26); however a lot of us fail to get the best out of it because we don't know how to. What God expects we do is to bring His Word with us  in prayer. And that never fails because He honors it. 

Consider Jacob. He went to God with the Word (Gen 32:9-12), and it resulted in His change of story experience. The name Israel wasn't just a symbol of the change of nomenclature, it was a change of his entire experience. SO, let's do the same.

If you need wisdom in a particular area, remind Him that He gives wisdom to all who are good (Eccl 2:26). If you are experiencing some sort of memory loss, remind Him that your memory has been declared blessed by Him (Pro 10:7). If you are sick, remind Him that He promised to restore health unto you (Jeremiah 30:17). Do it in faith and believe God, you will receive as asked. He doesn't ignore His Word, because He is bound to do all He's said.

Thus, go to the Lord with boldness, knowing His Word never fails. 


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