You Are In A Place Of Supply



- You Are In A Place Of Supply

"And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us." (Philippians 4:19 TLB)

Paul assured us that regardless of how tough things may seen to get, God will always show up to give us a big break. It says He will supply all our needs. But I'll like to let you know that it doesn't mean God giving us rent when it's due, and then a car when our feet begin to hurt from long treks into town. It is actually likened to what He did in the wilderness- raining down manna in abundance.

Manna was a meal that met all nutritional needs. That means it was suitable for all kinds of person--gluten intolerant, diabetic, vegans etc. In other words, it was the supply that met every need at once; and that's what God promised. And to whom exactly did He promise this?

Psalm 1 says it is to those who refuse evil and its company (v.1-2); and He says such persons shall be luscious always with abundant supply as a tree by the river bank (v.3). A river bank is a spot where its waters empty themselves; that is, a place of constant supply of all sorts. And He says that's you. He says because your intention is to please Him, you'll keep bearing great fruits without fail, and all you do will prosper in time. Why? Because He Himself will be in charge of watching to see it happens in line with the plan and path He set for you (v.6).

Therefore, get excited. Your season is always. Just trust God and you'll see it happen.


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