Consecrate Yourselves



- Consecrate Yourselves

"For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day." (Exodus 32:29)

Consecration is a platform for promotion. That is if what you desire is the kind of promotion that can't be given by men, but by God, then separating yourself for the LORD is key.

The Bible speaks of Jesus rising being the product of consecration. He separated Himself to the LORD and returned in His power and fame followed Him (Luke 4:1, 14). This is because God's blessings overshadow all who are given to Him. Even a donkey enjoyed glory simply because it was consecrated for the master's use.

Consider David too. He said "O God...early will I seek thee: my soul thirsts for see thy power and thy glory..." (Psalm 63:1-2); and you know how he ended up. The same goes for Joseph, Daniel and Job etc. Everyone that prepared their ways in Him were blessed for it (2 Chro 27:6).

Our theme scripture says it is where He commands His blessings. Hence, set yourself entirely in Him today. Fix your mind on Him. Separate yourself and approach Him wholly, and you'll never remain the same.


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