Achieving Greatness



- Achieving Greatness

"And said to them, “Anyone who takes care of a little child like this is caring for me! And whoever cares for me is caring for God who sent me. Your care for others is the measure of your greatness.” (Luke 9:48 TLB)

When a man killed a dragon, he was termed a great warrior, and with that we have attributed greatness to the width of our deeds and not the depth. We have isolated it to performing unprecedented feats, and not mere ones. But in scripture God shows us that greatness begins with little things.

Let's consider Dorcas of Joppa in Acts 9. She didn't slay a dragon or have half a million followers, yet she was described as a great woman in the sight of God because her good deeds were deep in the lives of men. The world may not have recognized it but God did. The joy that sprouted from the hearts of those she touched was a testament to that fact.

Consider Job also; a man who groomed other men unto honour. He killed no giants yet in the eyes of God was a perfect and great man.

Jesus told us that care for others is the true measure of greatness. Now consider His life and tell me if that's not true. he loved us so much to die so we wouldn't have to that God exalted Him above all else. That's where it starts from: living for something more than just yourself.

Mother Teresa comes to mind. She never led a war and won it like Churchill or Napoleon both did, but I can tell for a fact that the world will forget them before it forgets her; because while their deeds were beyond commendable, hers were heartfelt and in charity, and anything from the heart and in the heart lasts forever and ever.


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