Clear Off The Debris


- Clear Off The Debris

"How can a young man stay pure? By reading your Word and following its rules." (Psalm 119:9 TLB)

The Bible affirms that God's Word is like a fire; it refines us and burns out every stubble that is not of God in our hearts. It is God's instrument of weeding out whatever He didn't plant in us. It is how He clears the debris out of our mind. He says by taking heed to it, we would live pure lives in body and soul. 

David said he sought God with his whole heart, and thus filled his heart with God's Word, because it was the best prescribed way to overcome the shadows of sin (Psalm 119:10-11). It works all the time. Like a lamp, it illuminates your heart with light that engulfs every darkness in it.

Thus, are you deep in depressing thoughts, evil thoughts, suicidal thoughts and the likes, and you feel it's becoming uncontrollable? Don't worry; just keep filling your heart with the Word. Study it day and night. Meditate upon it, and you will find the darkness losing its hold upon you (Psalm 119:92-93). 

How did God refurbish the world? Through the Word. You see, He didn't create the earth in seven days, He did that in the beginning. What He did do in seven days was to completely turn a void world into a paradise. And He can do just the same for you today. He can turn a depressed fellow, a drug-addicted fellow, a sex-perverted fellow or a sin-famished fellow struggling in church into the perfect image of His Son; and this He will do via the Word.

Recall that when they cried unto Him in their distress, all He prescribed and sent was the Word and it healed them (Psalm 107:19-20); because in the Word is light magnificent that breaks down all darkness (John 1:4-5). Thus, get your mind into the Word and it will bring the needed health and peace you desire (Proverbs 4:20-21). Remember, it is called the Word of life; it will replace those thoughts of death and pain with life and peace, and in abundant measures making of you a brand new man in God. It will overhaul your emptiness and fill you up with the fullness of God. If you can do this--that is, breathe and live the Word daily, you will be alright.


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