The Church Is Blessed


- The Church Is Blessed

"In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all." (Isaiah 2:2 NIV)

The scripture shows us that the blessings of the church shall run the world. Psalm 58:6 says "Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!" (NIV).

The Bible also says it shall be a city without walls, giving shelter to all who have been distressed. It says its products will bring deliverance to the world. Recall that saviours shall proceed out of Zion (Obadiah 21). Saviours who will judge the evil world. That may sound difficult to understand, but Jeremiah elucidates further. He says it shall be a place of praise and unending joy, producing the nobles and governors of cities (Jeremiah 30:19-21).

My dear, the church is not an ordinary entity. It's a place where giants are born (Psalm 87:5). A school of saviours. Please understand where you are. Don't be ignorant in a place where wisdom has been pronounced yours. You are in a blessed environment. 

We are God's building, and together a city of glorious remarks (Psalm 87:3). Isaiah 4:2-6 tells us that such people as we are are marked with our name written to escape destruction and to be blessed beyond limits. It was talking about the church there; and I know because Hebrew 12:23 confirms that the church has their names written in God's book. 

So when you are a part of the church, the victim's DNA you were condemned to through Adam's fall is reverse transcribed into the victor's DNA. You stop being a captive and become a captain of liberty.

Daniel tells us this is so because we have been given the Kingdom, the dominion and all the kingdom under the heaven (Daniel 7:27). Zechariah says it shall be because God shall comfort us with prosperity on every side causing us to expand on all sides (Zech 1:17). And as a result many from diverse lands shall seek to know us so as to experience God (8:23).

So, please rejoice, you are in a blessed entity; and as such have become a blessing yourself, lifted far above all other entities in the world. And this blessing is ever increasing and never decreasing.


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