Praise Is The Answer



- Praise Is The Answer

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6 NKJV)

Once I had to know why a few thing were happening in my life the way they were, as I prayed I was to led to upon the scripture and my hands fell at this exact verse. God might not give you the answer you seek because even that may not help you, but as you praise Him, everything begins to work.

Hezekiah wanted to know why God would bring to the birth and not make delivery possible. That is, give a promise without fulfilling it. God refuted his claims saying He fulfills all of His promises (Isaiah 66:9), but only when Hezekiah began to praise God for His promises did the siege end (Isaiah 37:14-38).

In Psalm 67, David said it is the exact moment when we praise that the harvest is born. "Praise God, O world! May all the peoples of the earth give thanks to you. For the earth has yielded abundant harvests. God, even our own God, will bless us. And peoples from remotest lands will worship him." (5-7 TLB). Hence, is there anything you are passing through that has gotten you confused? You can't understand why it is happening to you. You have done everything right thus far, and try to please God as much as is within your ability. 

Today, don't overthink it; just go ahead and praise Him. As you do so, everything will be realigned to your favour. Your harvests will bloom. The siege will shatter and you will be free again. Thus, go on, praise Him!


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