Live Your Best Life Now



- Live Your Best Life Now

"...therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Today, the 24th of May, is kind of like my birthday. I turn 30 this year, and so do a lot of people; and while I don't always go out to celebrate each year,  I do something else. Something better if I may say---I ponder. I ponder about about all my life was made to be,  and if I am living that way. 

If I'm right with how I've lived thus far,  then I deserve an accolade,  but if not,  then I've only just wasted time. I'm a proud believer of the truth that we are living on borrowed time, and that each moment is meant to bring out a part God hid within us to change the world positively. Like paint in a old container. There will no be beautiful canvas except it is opened first of all,  and then used. In the same vein, Life is our canvas, we are the paint and God is the artist. He uses us to create better worlds,  but we have to want to be found first. 

And how are we found?  By embracing life: its meaning, its purpose, its opportunities. That's when we are truly alive and clearly infinite.  That moment when we believe regardless of our circumstances that we can be anything or do anything. That moment when impossible seems not to exist and dreams become the only reality. 

This is God's plan,  and it is why He gave us what no other creation has--imagination. 

So imagine the life you desire,  and go after it. We only live once they say; maybe on earth, because we will live again with Him. But this is definitely the only phase of life where we can become, where we can dream, where we are humans with choices. This is the only phase where we have a destiny to pursue and must fulfill it. 

Thus,  what's the message today?  Live. Live at your best now. Rather than spend all day being afraid of dying, do the same being afraid of not living, because that's the greatest disservice anyone can ever do to themselves. 

I'll end with this:

We are all going to die. It's only a matter of time; we can't change that. But we can choose how we live each precious minute till then. We can choose how we sign out,  how we are remembered.  And that's really all that matters. All. 

Hence,  chase your dreams now. Live the best you can now. And most importantly, be you; the you God made you to be. Now. 


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