Invest In Good Deeds


- Invest In Good Deeds

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

The Bible instructs those who are righteous to rejoice, but the real question is, why? It goes on to say why: "it shall be well with them: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings" (Isaiah 3:10). They like all men will reap what they have sown, and because they have sown good deeds, they will receive good returns (see Proverbs 21:21). It is a natural law of life. 

God says that seed time and harvest will never cease (Genesis 8:22); so whatever is sown shall also be reaped--good for good, and evil for evil. Little wonder why Paul tells us never to grow weary in doing good, and to constantly do good to others (Galatians 6:9-10); for in due time we'd reap a harvest of goodness in return.

To elaborate on the importance of this, let's consider Dorcas. She is described in scripture as a woman "full of good works..." (Acts 9:36). And when she passed on, the people wouldn't permit it; rather they called for Peter who God eventually used to bring her back. In other words, when nothing else would fight on her behalf, the good she had done did. 

The same thing can be said of Phebe who was commended and nominated for favour (Romans 16:1-2). The good they did came back with far greater rewards. And yours will too. Just keep doing good. The scripture says in measure pressed down and shaken together shall it come upon you (Luke 6:38). So, don't get tired, keep sowing goodness, you'll reap the same.


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