The Power of Faith



- The Power of Faith

"Jesus said to him, “ If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NKJV)

Faith has the power to take from God even what He didn't budget to give. And this factually proven in scripture. 

The Bible tells us of a sick woman who touched Jesus and was instantly made whole. First, she had the conviction that if she could just touch Him, she would be healed. And sure enough, she was. Second, after she got her healing, Jesus perceived healing virtue had left Him. Healing virtue He had budgeted for the mission at Jairus' home, yet she took from it. And what did He say did the trick? "Your faith has made you well" (Mark 5:34), because faith always makes room for more.

A lot of us bring arguments to God when we should be bringing faith. You can plead your case and get results, but you can show your faith to seize results. Jesus said it shall be according to your faith at all times (see Matt 9:29). So if you can have faith that you will be made whole today from that unwholesome circumstance, you will be. Jesus said it will happen because of your faith. Why? Because the only thing that can take the mountain out of the way for your deliverance to be a reality is absolute faith in God (Mark 11:22-24).

Remember the leper said to Him, 'I have faith you can heal me if you want to,' and Jesus replied 'I want to' (Mark 1:41). Faith leaves God no other choice but a positive response. It shows you have a different spirit, leading you straight to your promised land. 


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