Stay Away From Bitterness
- Stay Away From Bitterness
"Look after each other so that not one of you will fail to find God’s best blessings. Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives." (Hebrews 12:15 TLB)
Bitterness does nothing but keep your life bitter. And that means in trouble; that's what Marah meant when Naomi referred to herself as such (Ruth 1:20). It is an ideology that God is responsible for your problems or someone else, and thus causing this feeling to affect your relationship with both God and man.
The Bible says such attitudes will only lead you to ruin. It says it is how many people have failed to find God's best blessings. But today if you have been that way, it's time to change. First of all, God is not behind the problem. The scripture says if there is trouble, God takes His time to point out where we got it wrong (Job 36:8-10). So, it is always something we did or something we failed to do. And then He says if we listen to Him and comply, we will be blessed throughout our lives (v.11). But he tells us some won't (V.12); and He says why. He says it is because of their grievances against God himself and people.
Job 36:16-19 says "How he wanted to lure you away from danger into a wide and pleasant valley and to prosper you there. But you are too preoccupied with your imagined grievances against others. Watch out! Don’t let your anger at others lead you into scoffing at God! Don’t let your suffering embitter you at the only one who can deliver you. Do you really think that if you shout loudly enough against God, he will be ashamed and repent? Will this put an end to your chastisement?" (TLB). He says His plan is to lead you, lure you out of this disease of bitter living, into a pleasant and prosperous life; but He says this attitude of bitterness is standing against it.
Don't get mad because those you thought would help you didn't. Learn from Joseph. It's no one's job to help you, but God's, because He promised it. And when He does even men can't help but help you. So, don't be embittered. Trust and delight yourself in the Lord instead.
Hence, today, drop all grievances and turn to God with a meek spirit. “God is almighty and yet does not despise anyone! And he is perfect in his understanding. He does not reward the wicked with his blessings, but gives them their full share of punishment. He does not ignore the good men but honors them by placing them upon eternal, kingly thrones." (Job 36:5-7 TLB).
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