You Are More Than Enough


- You Are More Than Enough

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)

What you have presently may not seem like much to you. It may seem ordinary or just insignificant at the moment, but if that's what God gave you, it's because He knows it is all you need to get all He says is yours. 

Consider David. All he had before mighty Goliath was a simple slingshot. He could have finalized himself down and out, but instead he raced towards the giant and brought him down. He did this because he understood that a puny man with God's anointing and favour always stands a better chance than a huge man with no anointing.

Consider Moses too. All he had was rod, but that rod changed the world, because on it was the anointing of He who had made the world. But consider this as well: If God could anoint a slingshot and a rod for victory, how much do you think He had anointed the men who owned them?

In the same way, you may think you don't have much to be all the Word says you are, but I tell if it's what God has given you at the moment it is enough to be it, because you are more than enough. For God's sake, His favour surrounds you, and His grace is upon you, and that's what changes everything. That's what made David a winner, and Moses a victor. It will make the same of you by the Spirit of God in you.


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