Take Jesus In


- Take Jesus In

"Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading." (John 6:21 NIV)

As long as the sails of a ship haven't been pulled up, a boat will remain directionless, because the sails use the energy of the wind to drive the vessel in a chosen direction. And that's what Jesus is to us--our sail. He keeps us moving in the right path, and anchors us firm and steady where we must harbor.

The Bible says that as soon as they received Him in, they got to where they were headed. The confusion ended; the topsy-turvy approach to life ceased. Clarity set in; and purpose was fulfilled. And this happened because that's what Jesus brings. He brings the calm.

A lot of us have been kicked by the circumstances of life into a state of confusion. We hardly even know where we are headed again. Though believers, but we are living as if we have no guidance. My dear, I believe it's time to let Him in again. You may have been going with your guts for some time now. You think you know how to get where you want to go; but believe me, you don't. Jeremiah 10:23 says "I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not his own; no one who walks directs his own steps." Only God knows. So, it's time to take out the sails you've kept bound for a while now. It's time to let Jesus take the wheel. You have seen how doing it your way has only burdened you; now it's time to give that burden to Him, and let Him have His way. Remember He says if you are burdened and heavy laden, come to Him (Matt 11:28). Now is that time. Let Him.


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