Practice Complete Obedience


- Practice Complete Obedience

"Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth." (Deuteronomy 28:1 NKJV)

All through scripture, we learn that any path isn't God's path. He is a God that deals highly with specificity and absoluteness, and specifically demands absolute obedience as well. You see, it isn't obedience if it isn't doing exactly what you are told to do. Little wonder why Mary minced no words when she was specific in her instructions to the stewards, "Whatever He tells you to do, do it." (John 2:5); not however we interpret it to mean. 

Even when the instruction seems silly, obedience to God's Word is still more effective than our highest wisdom. That's why Solomon advised us to lean completely on Him at all times, and not just our own level of understanding. Because that's where the blessing lies--in wholesome obedience to His Word.

For instance, let's take for example the case of Moses in Marah. Do you think the water would have been healed if Moses just placed any branch in it? Maybe not; and even if yes it will be with consequences as we saw in Meribah. The scripture says the LORD specifically showed him the tree to use (Exodus 15:25). 

In the same way, if we seek the results God gives, we have to be willing to do all He says, how He says it, and when He says it. Recall what He said, "If thou shalt observe to do ALL that I command thee..." Not some, not in some way, but all in His ways, "that the LORD will see thee on high above all nations."

Hence, if you want all that God gives, then you must be willing to go all the way His way; and so whatever He tells you to do, do it.


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