I Bless You In The Name Of The LORD


- I Bless You In The Name Of The LORD

"I have indeed received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot change it." (Numbers 23:20)

To every single one of you that has put your trust in God, I declare that the pain that dragged you to your knees shall be alleviated today, in the Name of Jesus. The problems that cause you to cry are no more in the Name of Jesus. The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, and I announce today as the day of God's refreshing upon you. Today, the portals to the fulfilment of your dreams that may have seemed delayed or resisted are opening up.

Today, the ideas and resources to achieve the goals God has placed in your heart are released to you. Today, the negative medical report is being changed, and your health restored. This is the day of your release into the whole will of God. 

The grace of God acts upon you today in exceeding measures. His favour speaks for you; and His mercies work for you. Where you have had lack, you shall have it no more. He says you shall lack nothing (Psalm 34:9-10), I declare that in your physical, spiritual, financial, health and emotional life it shall be so.

I have declared it so, and in His Name the Spirit shall gather it unto your reality. I bless you, because He has blessed you. Your life carries these blessings everywhere every time, to the glory of God. Amen.


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