Don't Give Up Now



- Don't Give Up Now

"Be strong and take heart,... all you who hope in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24 NIV)

We are admonished at all times to stay strong and firm, because God will surely compensate us for our faith. The scripture says He has great bouquets of goodness laid up for us who trust Him (Psalm 31:19). So, never give in to the discouragement or the depression the circumstances of life brings your way. Instead choose to trust God to prove Himself as who He is.

The three Hebrew fellows were threatened with death, but rather than succumb to fear, or concede to the tactics of the devil, they chose to believe God; and He rescued them, because He always does and won't start failing with you. The same thing happened with Daniel, who was delivered from the lions because "he believed in his God" (Daniel 6:23).

I don't know what you may be going through, but trusting God is how you will break through it all. And trusting becomes easy when you never forget who God is and what He says about you. He said many sorrows may come to the wicked, but to you that trust Him, He shall encompass you with mercy (Psalm 32:10). That's an assurance that He's got you in a fine place.

Hence, don't give up yet when God hasn't given up on you. Keep the engine rolling; keep trusting Him, and show it in your dispositions every day. Don't give the devil a victory party, rather trust God today unto victory.


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