Christ In You Guarantees Perfect wholeness



- Christ In You Guarantees Perfect wholeness

"Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me." (John 6:57 NIV) 

Christ living inside of you is a spiritual guarantee that you can not be plagued with anything He wasn't. The opening scripture said you will live because [by, as a result] of Him. That means He becomes your life source, and your Source in general the day you ate of Him; which figuratively depicts the day you were baptized into one Spirit with Him by virtue of New Birth.

So, the day you received His life into your spirit, you did because you ate of Him--the bread of heaven (John 6:51). And this life covers all aspects of your life; because eternal life is all-encompassing. It doesn't just affect only your spiritual life, it affects all of your life. For example, Paul tells us that the people of Israel ate of the spiritual meat-Christ-in the wilderness (1 Cor 10:4); however we are also told by Nehemiah that as a result they never fell ill and neither did their clothing wear out or their feet hurt (9:20-21). At this point, Romans 8:11 begins to make sense to men like us.

At some point, it may seem difficult to comprehend, but not when you study our theme verse. In the wilderness, God fed the people with "bread from heaven"- a symbolism of Christ, and as many as ate of Him retained sound health. None were plagued by pining diseases, because Jesus couldn't be plagued by them. And so while our bodies may be frail and vulnerable, remember that the Spirit of Christ in you is resistant to and above all diseases. That's why I'm here to tell you that you can live free of sickness today, but importantly you can also walk out of it today. Hallelujah!!!


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