Your Roses Will Bloom Again


- Your Roses Will Bloom Again

"For the needy shall not alway be forgotten, nor the expectation of the poor perish for ever" (Psalm 9:18)

The scripture assures us that a time of rejoicing awaits us yet on this earth. It says that though weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). What that means in agreement with what our theme verse says is that it is not over for you even when others think or say it is.

Consider Joseph.

He was sold into slavery with the expectation to bury his glory, but even there in captivity God hearkened to him, and elevated him to a high place. In the same way, your boss may have dismissed you unjustly leaving you without a means to pay the bills, but don't fret. He might have changed his mind about you, but God won't, and He will take care of you. It may seem like your petals are falling off, but very soon He will light upon you and they will bloom again.

Psalm 9:9 says "All who are oppressed may come to him. He is a refuge for them in their times of trouble." (TLB). And you can be confident in these words, because "All those who know your mercy, Lord, will count on you for help. For you have never yet forsaken those who trust in you" (TLB) (v.10 TLB). 

So, spend this day in prayers to Him, knowing that "He does not ignore the prayers of men in trouble when they call to Him for help" (v. 12 TLB), but on the contrary shows up on their behalf and cause their roses to bloom again (Isaiah 55:12-13).


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