You Are Loaded And Needed



- You Are Loaded And Needed

" I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13 NIV)

The Bible says in Christ's words that the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed (small and unnoticed) which eventually all the birds come to shelter in, and like yeast (supposedly insignificant) which creates the most significant impact in the dough (Luke 13:18-21).

Now if Jesus said that the Kingdom though despised and rejected by many is as mighty a solution to all who encounter it, how much more are the children of the Kingdom--those in whom the Kingdom resides--to those who come across them? Note, when I say children of the Kingdom, I'm referring to you and I who now belong to the family of God through Christ. It depicts that we are indeed fully loaded and needed. Now we  can understand why He calls us salts of the earth and lights of the world (Matt 5:13-16). They truly do need us to find their ways. He said they would be like hens who can't gather their broods without the light of Christ we shame on them.

Thus, know who you are, and live like it. You are loaded and needed. It's not enough that you are, you've got to know it, embrace it and act it every day. Remember, it's not just what you don't have that you can't give, but also what you don't know you have. You are a beacon set to bring multitudes into Christ (Zech 8:23). When you look at you, and see their need fulfilled in you, they'd seek your source; and it is your duty to lead them to the unlimited Son of God--Jesus.


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