What Faith Is (1)



- What Faith Is (1)

"... His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”" (John 2:5 NIV)

From the theme scripture, we can see that faith is simply about obedience--doing what the LORD says, when He says and how He says; because obeying God is the most practical form of faith.

All through scripture He proved this to be true. When the disciples requested for an increase in faith, He assured them that it was never about the size of their faith, but its application (Luke 17:5-6); because only the application of faith can truly increase faith. And we do this obeying His Word. Just an hour or so as they walked towards Jerusalem, He gave them a live-in example. Ten lepers came to Jesus seeking to be cleansed, and in response told them to go to the priest, telling him that they had been healed.

First thing you should note is that at this point He hadn't healed them, nor touched them, and neither had He prayed over them. Secondly, going to the priest leprous could be dangerous, because they could be killed for entering the holy temple in an unclean condition. Yet they chose His Word above their fears, and obeyed; and were healed on their way (Luke 17:14).

Isn't that what faith is? Living above your fears. And by obeying God they did that. You too can do the same; whatever He tells you to do, do it. Don't try to disprove it with logic, just obey His Word, and it will work for you. Believe all He's said, knowing that His promise is sure, and He speaks no careless words (Psalm 12:6); and with this understanding, just obey Him in faith


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