Walking In His Shoes


- Walking In His Shoes

"...because as he is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4:17)

Jesus said "As my Father sent me, so I am sending you" (John 20:21). In these simple words, Jesus was indulging us to continue in His office; to keep moving from where He presumably stopped on the earth. The only thing is that He'd be the One working in us, through us and with us (Mark 16:20). 

And what is Christ's office? The Way to salvation. So with the help of His Holy Spirit, we also guide others into salvation as He did, but now in His name. And we do this by preaching the Word in and out of season, doing the will of God at all times, and representing the Kingdom in all places, until men are drawn unto God. Remember, we are diplomats for Christ on the earth (2 Cor 5:20).

Thus, when people see us, they should literally see Jesus. The Bartimaeuses of this world should find hope when they see Jesus in us. The Zacchaeuses of this world should surrender all to God when they come across the Jesus in us. So, always have it in mind that you are a vessel to continue the Lord's life on the earth. Your life is His; His is yours; and He lives through you.


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