Attack The Enemy



- Attack The Enemy

"until someone stronger and better armed attacks and overcomes him and strips him of his weapons and carries off his belongings" (Luke 11:22 TLB)

The Bible says we wrestle against spiritual forces of darkness in this world (Eph 6:12); so when I speak of the enemy, I speak of those ones, and not your human counterparts. Our God is not a passive being; and that's why every time He destroyed enemy camps in scripture, He swept through them.

Isaiah paints a great picture of this. He says 'When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against them (Isaiah 59:19). A flood isn't passive. It attacks its target, and swallows it up. That's exactly how light conquers darkness. It doesn't wait for it to be attacked first; it attacks until all darkness fades away. For instance, go into a dark room now and switch on the bulbs. You will find that the light that permeates from that luminary drives the darkness into obscurity without notice.

That's also what God expects of us. He says Satan may have stood strong over some situations of interest to us, but being stronger and better armed than him in Christ we must attack him and recover it all.

Remember, he may have some power, but Jesus has given us the authority over all his power (Luke 10:19). Hence, how do we attack? By the Word of God and prayer. Study the Word and speak it in all situations. Scripture calls it the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:12); and keep praying in faith. He that does this overcomes (1 John 1:13-14). So don't be passive, attack unto victory.


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