You Can't Win Against God



- You Can't Win Against God

"Rather that than face the judgment sent by God; that I dread more than anything else. For if the majesty of God opposes me, what hope is there?" (Job 31:23 TLB)

No one ever opposed God and came out successful. We see a lot of them from history who tried to do so--Goliath, Sennacherib and the many other anti-God protagonists who sought to end the gospel but ended up gone first. This is simply to know that we can't win when we set out to fight against God. And there are two ways we do that:

(1) Total Defiance against the Person of God:

This is mostly indulged in by anti-Christians, and history has a lot of information about how even they were shamed. I heard the story of a man who vowed that as long as he lived the gospel would never be preached in his city; by morning he was dead. 

Again, no man can oppose God. Consider Sennacherib. He defied the name of God, and tried to belittle Him and King Hezekiah before the people, but he didn't leave to his country as he expected; he left in shame and never returned for good. He had forgotten the old truth that when God fights, not even the devil stands; he flees.

(2) When we try to do it our way:

God's perfect will is His rudimentary desire for us. Every other thing is just a stumbling block that sprains us eventually. And so every time we choose our way as against God's, we are choosing to oppose His standard, and there is no assurance of safety there. Look at the people who did so in scripture, it didn't turn out well. 

Hence, make the decision to live at all times in agreement with God in all you do. "Quit quarreling with God! Agree with him and you will have peace at last! His favor will surround you if you will only admit that you were wrong." (Job 22:21 TLB).


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