We Are Messengers From Heaven



- We Are Messengers From Heaven

"So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!" (2 Corinthians 5:20 NLT)

It is revealed in scripture that God can use anything to do His work. John the Baptist even once mused that He could use stones; and with Balaam we saw Him use a donkey to teach the obstinate prophet. Anyway, more frequently we will notice in scripture that for every time men were converted to godliness or corrected, God either did so Himself or sent "messengers from heaven". 

In Job 33:14-18, we are told that God speaks again and again....opening in the ears of men to give them wisdom and instruction to change their minds, warning them of the penalties of sin, and to keep them from falling. However, we are told that often times these men don't budge; "but if a messenger from heaven is there to intercede for him as a friend, to show him what is right, then God pities him and says, 'Set him free. Do not make him die, for I have found a substitute'." (v.23-24 TLB)

The original word for messenger from heaven translates Angel as seen in the Book of the Revelations to the church.  But now we know Jesus didn't mean literal angels, but us--Christians and leaders in His church who'd take the responsibility to keep the flock in line as the Shepherd desires.

Hence, God sees us as the world's hope; their way of escape, because we bring them to Christ. He says if our savour is lost, what hope is there for it? So understand your role; you may be on earth, but you operate from heaven to bring and keep as many as possible in the Kingdom of light through Christ.

So this holiday season, prove yourself as a messenger from heaven to all around you


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