Stay Trusting The Lord


- Stay Trusting The Lord

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." (Isaiah 26:3)

The Bible speaks of Abraham--how he was blessed of God and helped by God because of his trust towards Him. And with that came a transgenerational covenant of blessings for him and his descendants from the LORD.

Then we are told of Isaac who also reaped the blessings of his father. But when a famine hit Canaan, he sought to escape to Egypt through Philistia since he understood that like most environmental pandemics, the situation could spread into the Philistine city he indwelled. He had made up his mind, at least until God said "No!" 

God told him to stay put at Gerar and trust Him, because He would bless him as He did his father. And the scripture says "he stayed in Gerar" (Genesis 26:6). But guess what? He wasn't staying in Gerar, he was actually staying in the LORD. He had defied logic and chose faith and trust in the LORD and His Word. As a result, he was soon a man of great wealth and became richer and richer (v.13 TLB).

Now, not on the basis of what his father had done, but on what he did.

Our theme scripture says that God keeps in peace and prosperity all whose hearts are stayed on Him. and that can be you today. All you have to do is learn to trust Him, and to live everyday staying in that trust toward Him.


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